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Statement released by the English Karate Federation



As we move towards Step Three of Governments roadmap out of lockdown, we are now in a position to advise on the latest return to training guidance that will apply from the 17th May


From 17th May


UNDER 18's


There are currently no restrictions on Under 18 training, and full range of activities karate practice can take place. 


The significant change is that there will be no restriction on class size, other than the normal risk of instructor to student ratios. The rule of 15 maximum per class, as set out by the DFE, no longer applies


ADULT Sessions


These can now resume indoors, but social distancing protocols must be enforced as phase one of EKF guidance.


Pad work is allowed (as per EKF guidance) but contact training in any form is not allowed. Training is allowed bare foot for adults.


In essence, what has been allowed outdoors, is now allowed indoors.




Spectators.... Adult spectators are allowed, but they must remain seated. and wear a mask at all times. Social distancing rules must be vigorously enforced as per the social distancing laws that apply to wider society.


Instructors/Coaches are reminded to ensure that students wear a mask/face covering at all times when indoors other than at the point of training.


Socialising and communing within the dojo, and facility is to be discouraged at this time.


The key principle in class sizes is to ensure that each person is afforded 100 cubic feet of space. Coaches/Instructors must check with their facility provider on capacity numbers taking into account both class participants and spectators. Those who run their own private dojo, must adhere to agreed 


We had hoped to have been allowed to return to under 18 competitions, but this has not been allowed. For the time being there is no Competition permitted. EKF will advise further when such permissions have been given.


In the meantime, we wish everyone all the best with their recovery, and hope that soon we will have a greater sense of normality


Keep safe and keep those around you safe.


Steve Coupland

EKF President










Obviously due to guidance updates all of our venues and bookings will be running differently as of Monday 17th May.


Classes will run as follows:



All students must sign in upon entry to the dojo for track and trace. All students Under 18 may just turn up without booking on the website. There will be limited spaces for Adults as adults must be socially distanced. These spaces will be available to book as of Saturday 15th May. Class times running as follows:


Beginners 6pm-7pm

Higher Grades 7pm-8pm




All students must sign in upon entry to the dojo for track and trace. All students Under 18 may just turn up without booking on the website. There will be limited spaces for Adults as adults must be socially distanced. These spaces will be available to book as of Saturday 15th May. Class times running as follows:


Beginners 5.15pm-6.15pm

Higher Grades 6.15pm-7.15pm




All students must sign in upon entry to the dojo for track and trace. All students Under 18 may just turn up without booking on the website. There will be limited spaces for Adults as adults must be socially distanced. These spaces will be available to book as of Saturday 15th May. Class times running as follows:


Beginners 6pm-7pm

Intermediate 7pm-8pm

Advanced 8pm-9pm




All students must sign in upon entry to the dojo for track and trace. All students Under 18 may just turn up without booking on the website. There will be limited spaces for Adults as adults must be socially distanced. These spaces will be available to book as of Saturday 15th May. Class times running as follows:


Beginners 6pm-7pm

Higher Grades 7pm-8pm

Competition Training 8pm-9pm



We look forward to the closest it has been to normal for a good while!


Sensei James Scanlon

JS Karate Academy

Tel: 07870 409846


New Club Update

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